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  • Writer's pictureVivika Martini

Ask nature? How biomimicry can inspire a more sustainable future.

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Nature is our biggest ally and greatest source of inspiration. I hadn't really stopped to think about this until I came across a TED talk on 'Biomimicry' by Janine Beynus. She pointed out how our 'biological elders' have already figured out how to create a sustainable world that is inherently regenerative and resilient. They have already solved many of the problems we are striving to solve. However, by merely looking to nature as our mentor, we can begin to redesign our world to align with the UN's SDGs. It seems thunderously obvious yet it's something we have regularly overlooked. But this can change if designers and engineers start to ask a simple question: "How would nature do it?"

What I learnt...

  • Nature is awe-inspiring.

  • Nature is like the world's best R&D lab. The only difference is that it's knowledge and ideas are free. We can and should let nature's wisdom flow into our own systems.

  • Nature can influence every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to how we build organisations and most importantly, how we can design and engineer a more sustainable future.

  • We can adapt nature's solutions to solve human-made challenges.

  • Our species needs to establish a life on the planet in balance with nature - a sort of symbiosis. We need to move away from being apart of nature to becoming a part of nature once again.

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